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Weight Management - Text - white

Now for most this is a bit of a sensitive subject in more ways than one, but as it's me so I am just going to dive right in!

So..... I am overweight, OK a bit of an understatement, I am hugely overweight! 

At the turn of the year I weighed in at 20.1 ST or 127.6 KG either way its heavy and although I am 6ft 4 that just make me a sizable lump!

Jimmy, who will be looking after me throughout this journey says to me for the first 3 months to forget about training programmes, forget about the event, you just need to concentrate on shifting some timber. So that is exactly what I have done, I have concentrated on diet (along with a bit of walking and light exercise) but with so many diet plans, weight shifting methods and without a magic wand, what would work best for me?

All of us that are looking to lose weight need to find a diet plan that fits with our day to day life, so this was my breakdown.

- Struggle with sleep.
- Early Starts.
- Stuck in front of a P
C for most of the day.
- If not in front of a PC I am driving back South.
- Skip Breakfast.
- Before I know it day has gone.
- Busy evenings with Sonny's (My oldest) Boxing, Football (East Stirlingshire) and Work
- Social weekends with so many family and freinds coming up to visit.

So with all the above what is the answer? For me it was Fasting. Now this is not for everyone but the benefits and the fact I kept skipping meals anyway just made complete sense, so in the next section I will add some details on fasting, how it is done, the different types and the benefits.

Tape Measure - Illustration
intermittent fasting - text - blue

Now Intermittent Fasting, is not for the faint hearted or for everyone and shouldn't be undertaken without research or other advice, but it works really well for me.


Different Types of Time Restricted Intermittent Fasting - This is what I do.

​- 13:11

13 Hours fasting - Based on the research of Dr. Satchin Panda, this time-restricted feeding (TRF) fast emulates the body's natural clock by fasting roughly after sunset until morning.

- 16:8

16 Hours fasting - This is the most popular of TRF (time-restricted feeding) fasts, and for good reason! A 16:8 can help with weight management while also reducing the risk of diabetes and other metabolic diseases.

- 18:6

Slightly more restrictive than the popular 16:8 fast, the 18:6 TRF helps rid the liver of more glycogen, allows the body to begin using ketones for fuel, and can activate autophagy to rid the body of damaged cells.

- 20:4

20 Hours fasting - A challenging protocol for intermediate to advanced fasters, the 20:4 helps you work toward a one-meal-a-day regimen. With this fast, you're training your body to become "fat adapted" so your body learns how to use multiple sources of fuel including glycogen fat, and glucose.

- 36 Hour Fast (MONK FAST)

This challenging fast, known by some as the "Monk Fast" is regarded by many to promote powerful celluar cleansing benefits and help reset metabolism. Some people like to start on a Sunday evening and break fast on the Tuesday morning. Recommended no more than once a week.


glasses of water brand colours - Illustration

Some of the health benefits that research has found.

​- Weight Loss:

Losing weight and being physically active help lower your risk of obesity-related diseases, such as diabetes, sleep apnea and some types of cancer. For these diseases, intermittent fasting seems to be about as beneficial as any other type of diet that reduces overall calories. Additionally, short term intermittent fasting changes hormone levels to slightly boost metabolism and facilitate weight loss.

- Insulin resistance:

Intermittent fasting can reduce insulin resistance, lowering blood sugar, which should protect against type 2 diabetes.


- Reduced Inflammation:

Some research suggests that intermittent fasting may be more beneficial than other diets for reducing inflammation and improving conditions associated with inflammation, such as arthritis, asthma, and stroke to name a few.


- Heart Health:

Intermittent fasting may reduce “bad” LDL cholesterol, blood triglycerides, inflammatory markers, blood sugar and insulin resistance — all risk factors for heart disease.


- Brain Health:

By increasing brain hormones that aid in the growth of new nerve cells, intermittent fasting may improve mental sharpness. It may also protect against Alzheimer’s disease.

*Information from Zero fasting, the app I am using to monitor my fasting*


for the week

(Excluding a Saturday of course)



Black Coffee

Green Tea

Bottle - Water - Illustration
Living The Dream - Logo - White
my progress - text - white
scales - stone - Illustration

So as explained, fasting is a diet plan that works for me, It is not a quick fix and like with anything worth doing it takes education, dedication and a can do, will do attitude.


My general week of fasting tends to look as per the below


Sunday PM - Midday (ish) Monday - 16:8 Setup

Monday PM - Midday (ish)  Tuesday - Either 18:6 or 20:4 Setup

Tuesday PM - Midday (ish) Wednesday - Either 18:6 or 20:4 Setup

Wednesday PM - Midday (ish) Thursday - Either 18:6 or 20:4 Setup

Thursday PM - Midday (ish) Friday - Either 18:6 or 20:4 Setup

Friday PM - Midday or late afternoon Saturday depending on football - Either 18:6, 20:4 or 24hrs Setup.

Late, Late evening (Its a Saturday don't judge) Saturday to Midday (ish) Sunday - 13:11 Setup.


I try to do a 36hrs (MONK FAST) once a month.


So... I am now 2 months into the 3 months given to me to shift as much weight as possible and this is how it is going.


All the below are based on end of the month weigh-ins 


December 2023 - 20.1 ST (127.45KG)



January 2024 - 18.13 ST  (120.2KG)



February 2024 - 18.1 ST (114.76KG)



Match 2024 - TBC

Red - Green - Apples - Illustration
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